LINKPROJECT Participates in Vestal Urban Farming Project

On Friday, March 16, the Meadowcreek LINKPROJECT partnered with The People Tree Foundation and the Argenta Community Development Corporation (ACDC) to construct two, 50′ cold frames in Argenta in downtown North Little Rock. The cold frames were placed in the Baring Cross community on land donated by NLR City Parks and Recreation.

The People Tree is a Central Arkansas non-profit focused on turning community ideas into community action. Founded in 2010, The People Tree works with various members of the community to promote societal systems that are economically, environmentally, and socially just.

Argenta CDC is a 19 year-old private nonprofit in North Little Rock with a mission to improve the economic vitality, quality of life, and sense of community in targeted neighborhoods through the development of quality housing; the promotion of homeownership and community revitalization; and, the stimulation of economic growth.

The two 50’ cold frames are part of the People Tree/ACDC Vestal Urban Farming Project, which is the first of its kind in North Little Rock. Located across the street from Boone Park Elementary School, the cold frames will be part of an outdoor classroom for students in third, fourth and fifth grades and who take part in activities such as planting, weeding, fertilizing and harvesting as Life Lab curriculum is integrated into classroom studies.

We were thrilled to be joined by a team of enthusiastic, bright and capable young people from AmeriCorps and highly recommend that all non-profits and/or community organizations needing assistance with projects give them a call. The AmeriCorps team we worked with can be reached by contacting David Gill, Executive Director at Ferncliff Presbyterian Camp & Conference Center, at



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